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Loan Periods

Collection Description Circulation Policy
Books Over 9,000 books for readers of all ages & interests. 3 weeks
Magazines We have a small collection of donated magazines.  In-Library Use Only

Music CDs/Audio Books Enjoy some music! 3 weeks
DVD We have a small collection of DVDs available to borrow 3 weeks
E-Books & E-Audiobooks View our digital collection on Overdrive 3 Weeks
Library of Things  We have a collection of objects and tech devices available to borrow. View our Library of Things collection

3 weeks

(Some items are in-library use only)


We are a fine free library – meaning there are no fines for overdue materials; however, if a books is not returned after 6 months, a charge will be issued and accounts will be frozen until the books is returned or paid for.

8.3 Lost or Damaged Materials Policy:

8.3.1 Members are responsible for all material borrowed on their account. All
patrons are liable for any charges on lost or damaged materials.
8.3.2 Members use the library’s materials at their own risk. The library is not
liable for any damages that may occur to non-Library material used in
conjunction with Library material. Replacements costs will be based on the purchase price of the specific lost or damaged item.
8.3.2 Patrons may replace the lost or damaged article themselves within two (2)
weeks, or pay the replacement cost listed in the above schedule.
8.3.3 The library may freeze borrowing privileges if a patron has:
– More than $25.00 in fees for lost or damaged books
– More than 15 items overdue
8.3.4 Library staff will consider requests to make arrangements for alternate
ways to waive fees, other than the replacement cost of the item,
associated with lost or damaged material on a case-by-case basis and
reserves the right to refuse such requests
Patrons are responsible for any Library fees when requesting interlibrary loans.